RCM Industries, 1-1/2-83-R-100-RW3-4-A, Flo-Gage 8000 Series 316 SS 1-1/2" Digital Display Flow Meter, Left to Right, 100 GPM, Digital Display Flow Rate, Total and Modbus (Linear 4-20mA Signal and Hart)
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Data Sheet
- 3.5" (90mm) 270° analog dial for reading at a glance
- Suitable for use with opaque and clear fluids.
- Measures 6:1 range with ± 3% F.S. accuracy
- Dial and case factory configured for quick installation - but easily field re-configured if needed
- Sturdy, in-line, metal construction to withstand piping stresses
- Dial won't crack, glaze, or become hard to read
- Meters intended for compressed gas service require individual sizing of meter orifices to suit the desired flow rate, gas composition, line pressure, and temperature.
- Dials are marked with the type of gas, specific gravity, line pressure, and temperature.

- The Flo-Gage flowmeter has been developed for industrial applications where durability and reliability are important considerations in the monitoring of flow.
- The Flo-Gage has accuracy for most industrial processes and is particularly suited for applications where compactness, low cost, minimal maintenance, and resistance to accidental damage are important factors.
- Typical applications include lube oil monitoring, blending processes, cooling water, reverse osmosis systems, and compressed air measurement.
Flo-Gage Direct Reading Flowmeter
The RCM Flo-Gage™ is a direct reading flow meter with a large, easy-to-read dial calibrated in engineering units (GPM, SCFM, l/m, etc.). The Flo-Gage measures flow based on a pressure differential created across a built-in calibrated nozzle. The meter is self-contained and complete. It does not require external power connections, separate orifices, blocking purging, or equalizing valves.
The Flo-Gage is suitable for measuring water, oil, and most other low-viscosity liquids that do not deposit out and which are compatible with the materials of construction. The Flo-Gage is also suitable for measuring compressed air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and many other non-toxic compressed gases. The Flo-Gage can be fitted with a transmitter with current or frequency outputs for remote indication or totalization, or with reed switch contacts for signaling high or low flows.
Digital Display
A loop-powered (4-20mA dc) two-wire indicator displays 4-1/2 digits for flow rate and 8 for totalization. Includes scaled, open collector output for remote totalizer. Includes square root extraction. Replace the standard dial indicator. Use a solid-state strain gauge to sense the differential pressure directly. Conditions that could cause the mechanical movement zero to shift will not affect the output from this transmitter. This transmitter provides improved rangeability at a low flow rate and does not include a low flow cutoff. Output is proportional to flow rate squared (r2). Square root extraction is required in the receiving device.
Connection Detail

Pressure Drop Characteristics: