- Ergonomic housing
- Single control for up to 4 axes
- Precise fi ne and coarse control
- User programmable buttons
The joystick provides manual control of a motor for either an XY stage or focus control.
First the system checks for the presence of the joystick. If a joystick is connected, it reads the current position and assigns it the zero position, any deflection from this angle will cause an axis to move. A common problem is that the joystick is slightly deflected on power-up and then released. This makes the stage drift slowly on its own and may cause asymmetrical speed response based on equal deflection of the joystick.
Pushing the XY stick will cause the stage to move in the desired direction. The stage movement velocity is exponential with deflection angle of the joystick. This gives very fine accurate control with small deflections, but also provides for higher speeds during larger movements. The actual direction of movement can be configured on the motor controller module. Default joystick speeds are set to be usable in all configurations of resolution; however, the joystick speed can be changed by host software if desired.